Sunday 2nd March

Hello and happy Sunday.

We have made it to March.


It has been a gloomy and wet Sunday here in Portugal, and so I have spent the day spring cleaning, burning the last of the winter candles, collecting wildflowers and experimenting with inks to try and figure out the best way to capture a rainbow. Finally stepping into the colour experiment I’ve been longing to try and It feels like we’re all in need of a little hope and light and colour at the moment.

It has been so much fun to just explore and play and experiment. I’m really looking forward to turning this into a final piece and seeing how it comes out printed. My plan is to integrate it into a drawing of one of my sky patterns, in the end I think I’m going to work with the watercolour pencils as the ink is so unpredictable I need more time to experiment. I’ll let you know how it goes!

Working on this reminded me of one of my storm cloud drawings, which I found the original drawing of (which I’d inevitably spilled a few drops of coffee on) and I experimented with how the rainbow could sit with that, and realised I hadn’t added it to the shop yet, so you can find it here now :)

A week today we will have run the Lisbon half marathon. I have never done such a long race before and I am pretty nervous, please send me good luck vibes!

I’m still reading The Creative Act, and making it a part of my creativity ritual, which really helps me to feel inspired to sit down and create (I’m still working on a private commission which I’m loving!). Part of my ritual is also to brew what I call my “Creativi-tea”, collecting herbs from the garden and brewing them up. Rosemary and mint are particularly good herbs for creativity and focus.

I am so excited that February is over and we’re inching ever closer to spring and hours and hours in the garden.

Be gentle with yourselves. Take this last moment of pause and winter hibernation before the equinox and don’t forget to enjoy some pancakes on Tuesday!

So much Love,




Sunday 23rd February